Thomas Clapper

FPS Staff Writer

Carroll County Commissioners were visited by Carrollton resident Marc Kopocs at their Jan. 16 meeting.

Kopocs addressed the board with two concerns: overpriced veterinary services in Carrollton and the need for another pharmacy in town.

“With the passing of Doc Walters, I feel the prices went up with the current veterinarian in town,” said Kopocs. “I think it would be good if commissioners could entice new veterinarians or even get graduates to come back to town and open a practice.”

He inquired about Doc Walters’ property, and later, Clerk April Mayle confirmed that Doc Walters’ house had been sold.

Kopocs also noted that the local Drug Mart seems overwhelmed at the pharmacy and suggested that the old Rite Aid building would be a good location for another drugstore to come to town.

Commissioner Robert Wirkner responded, saying that many people now use online pharmacies because some insurance companies require it, which reduces the demand for walk-in pharmacies.

Kopocs believes Carrollton could support two or three pharmacies and an equal number of veterinary clinics.

“I understand this is more of a Carrollton issue than a county issue, but it is in Carroll County, and I think it is important to the county. I think new development here would help with the problems,” said Kopocs.

“We hear your concerns, and whenever we have the opportunity to weigh in, we can jump in on that through the economic development office,” said Wirkner.

“I just want to say I am grateful we have the veterinary clinic that we currently have in Carrollton,” said Councilman Donald Leggett II.

In other business, the board:

Learned that Leggett met with contractors and the architect about the Annex building. The completion date is currently set for Nov. 10, 2025.

-Approved the hiring of Roy Toalston, of Kensington, at the rate of $12 per hour for the van and $13 per hour for the bus as a part-time Carroll County Transit driver.

-Appointed Joseph Allen to the Airport Authority Board. Wirkner said Allen does not own a plane, so he has no special interest other than business acumen and organizational skills. The board also reappointed Larry Hawkins to the Airport Authority Board. Wirkner confirmed it is not his intention to remain as president but that he does want to stay on the board.

-Approved a request by Caring Hands to hold their Valentine’s Day Bake Sale on the second floor of the courthouse from 8 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 14, 2025.

-Paid bills totaling $224,013.52.

-Announced that the Commissioners’ office is accepting a second round of applications for the PY23 CHIP program until Feb. 28. The CHIP program will assist low- and moderate-income residents of Carroll County with owner rehabilitation assistance and home repair assistance projects. Applications are available in the office or by emailing the clerks to request a digital copy. More information, including eligibility requirements and contact details, is available on the Commissioners’ Facebook page.

-Heard Wirkner welcome Peggy Conner to the program review committee for 911. She was appointed by township trustees. The committee now consists of Wirkner, Sheriff Calvin Graham, and Conner.