The Minerva Village Council held its 2025 reorganizational meeting on Jan. 2.

Council approved a motion to designate meetings on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at 7:30 p.m. Workshops will also be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.

Councilman Nathan Meadows was appointed as deputy mayor following a motion by Mayor Mason Boldizar.

Several appointments were approved and passed at the meeting, including:

-Meadows to the Minerva Area Community Charitable Trust Association.

-Councilman Bob Harris as council representative to the Minerva Chamber of Commerce.

-Boldizar to the Stark County Planning Commission.

-Meadows to the Minerva Art Council.

-Resident Marty Chapman as village representative to the Stark County Council of Governments (SCOG).

-Tara Lawson to the Park Board for a term from Jan. 1, 2025, through Dec. 31, 2029.

-Councilwoman Jennifer Jordan to the Carroll County Planning Commission for a term ending Dec. 31, 2025.

-Harris as council representative to the Fire District for a two-year term.

-Boldizar to the Shade Tree Commission.

-Jordan to the Park Committee.

-Jim Crouse to the Park Board Committee for a term ending Dec. 31, 2026.