By By Jacquie Humphrey
FPS Correspondent
At the January meeting of Bowerston Village Council, Solicitor JJ Ong addressed council regarding frustrations with the enforcement of village ordinances.
Ong reported that he has been in contact with Mayor Paula Beamer since the December council meeting and is aware of multiple issues regarding ordinance violations that council would like to formally address and resolve.
Ong stated that Bowerston is in the same situation as most small villages that do not have their own law enforcement departments.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding unkept properties and junk or unregistered vehicles. Ong also noted that while state legislation exists for recurring nuisances, such as barking dogs, enforcement remains difficult without dedicated law enforcement coverage.
Ultimately, Ong advised Beamer to contact the Harrison County Sheriff’s Department to explore what assistance they may be able to provide to the village.
In other action Council:
-Approved Ordinance 01-2025: An emergency measure for flood damage reduction.
-Passed Ordinance 02-2025: An emergency measure authorizing coverage of village officials and employees through faithful performance legislation instead of bonding.
-Set meeting schedule for the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
-Appointed Juliet Bryant as council president for 2025.
-Learned the village is expected to begin the bidding process for the water distribution project in February.
-Learned an additional theft of water has been reported to the Carroll County Sheriff’s Department.
-Approved removal of the canopy at the village garage at no cost to the village.
-Heard reports from Janeen Scott on income tax collections and utility billing.
-Received a report from Village Administrator Bart Busby.
-Set the next meeting for Tuesday, Feb. 18, at 6 p.m. at Village Hall.