Carroll Electric Cooperative, Inc. awarded a $2,033.35 check to the Carroll County Special Olympics through its “People to People Fund” on Jan. 27.
Carroll County Special Olympics and Community Network Coordinator Penny Hodgson was joined by Coach Brandon Hahn, athlete Randy Stacy, Carroll Electric CEO Larry Fenbers, and President/Chairman of Carroll Electric’s People to People Fund, Jack Buettner, for the presentation.
Hodgson explained the significance of the grant.
“We have been utilizing tablets to store and take the needed physical forms that we are required to have with each coach during practices, games, and regional, state, or national tournaments,” Hodgson said. “Prior to using tablets, we relied on binders with paper copies of these forms, which contain private and confidential information for each athlete. Since implementing the tablets, all physicals are now password-protected behind multi-factor authentication, ensuring the safety and privacy of everyone.”
The program currently has two tablets, which have proven successful over the past sports season. With the grant from Carroll Electric’s “People to People Fund,” Carroll County Special Olympics plans to purchase six additional tablets to cover other sports per season. Special Olympics Ohio requires two tablets per sport to be available at all times in case of emergencies.
Carroll County Special Olympics offers basketball (team and skills, with varsity and JV teams), cheerleading, bowling, bocce, track and field, golf, and unified fun volleyball. The grant will also fund updated first aid equipment and other miscellaneous items to enhance the program for the athletes. Special Olympics athletes are never charged registration or uniform fees; these costs are fully absorbed by the local program.
“Even though the Carroll County Board of Developmental Disabilities supports the coordinator’s wages, transportation needs, and stipends for the coaches, the remainder of the funding comes solely from generous donations, grants, and fundraising efforts throughout the year,” Hodgson said. “Uniforms, participation fees for state and regional tournaments, awards, and activities for the athletes are all dependent on the funds we raise. This is why the Carroll Electric ‘People to People Fund’ and other community financial support are so vital to this amazing program.”
The “People to People Fund” is made possible by Carroll Electric’s consumer-members who voluntarily round up their monthly electric bill payments to the next dollar, collectively making a big difference with small change. These pennies, nickels, and dimes raise thousands of dollars annually, which are then used to help neighbors and communities served by Carroll Electric. The fund supports individuals facing life-changing illnesses, health and rescue organizations, and educational projects benefiting local students. However, grants are not available for political issues, campaigns, electric bill assistance, or construction costs.
Applications for assistance are reviewed and approved by the fund trustees based on demonstrated need and fund availability. Individuals and organizations may apply for assistance once per calendar year.
“On behalf of the Carroll County Special Olympics program, I want to thank all of Carroll Electric’s consumer-members who support this wonderful program,” Hodgson said. “Your donations to this fund help so many in your community.”